
Annotated Bibliography & Revised Topic and Guiding Questions

Topic: The Flipped Classroom Guiding Questions: 1) What are student, parent and teacher attitudes on flipped classroom? 2) How does the flipped classroom affect student with learning disabilities or ELL students? Annotated Bibliography: Brame, C. (2013). Flipping the classroom.   Retrieved, August, 29, 2013. Provides a basic explanation about the flipped classroom, how it works, what the basis for it is and what the key elements are. Clark, K. R. (2015). The effects of the flipped model of instruction on student engagement and performance in the secondary mathematics classroom.  Journal of Educators Online, 12 (1), 91-115. Outlines student attitudes and performance in the flipped classroom and conversely provides some limitations to explore. Fulton, K. (2012). Upside down and inside out: Flip your classroom to improve student learning.  Learning & Leading with Technology, 39 (8), 12-17. Provides a specific examples of successful implementation of

Final Inquiry Topic and Guiding Questions

Topic Area: Flipped classroom Guiding questions: Is the flipped classroom an effective method for student learning? What are the benefits of the flipped classroom? What are student, parent and teacher attitudes on flipped classroom? What are the logistics of a flipped classroom, should all classes be flipped or only some? Are there other ways to flip a classroom other than just video lectures? How would in class time be used if class was flipped?

Entrance Slip (Oct 26) - Embodied Learning

I think bodily experiences can be useful in any subject matter, purely because of the physical representation. When a student experiences movement in learning they associate their movements with what they have learned and it helps to solidify their knowledge. Viewing a physical or drawing representation of theory can be easier to interpret than analytical text. So providing students with images of what we are explaining can help them actually see what we mean rather then have them try and imagine out of thin air. Having a physical object to refer to can be even more valuable as students gain the ability to touch, move, rotate and carefully view details. This again helps them visualize but in 3-D and at all angles, which can sometimes be even more helpful than just a 2-D flat image of a 3-D object. I could use bodily experiences in mathematics as the article discussed by giving students different physical representations of things like curves or even 3-D shapes. Specifically, students c

Exit Slip (Oct 19) - Inquiry Project Idea

In the first week of classes I expressed interest in inquiring about memorization in learning, the importance of confidence in learning and motivation in learning. Since then I have lost an interest in motivation in learning as I feel it is so complex and varies from student to student. It is difficult to encourage motivation just in the classroom, many of the ways students build motivation also comes from their own family values and home situation, so I as a teacher candidate do not feel confidence I can motivate all my students, but I do feel that confidence in the classroom plays a big role in that process of motivation, so instead I would rather focus on how confidence in learning plays a role in a student's ability to progress and be resilient. Although I am interested in how memorization plays a part in learning and how valuable it may be for building a foundation, or how inefficient it could be at developing learning for a student, I have always had a strong attachment to t

Entrance Slip (Oct 19) - Math Class Doesn't Work. Here's the Solution.

When I think about assigning percentages or letter grades for assessment I realize from a student perspective it can be discouraging and as the article discusses it can make students feel like they are on a hamster wheel designed for performance and they can't escape assessment and this judgement associated with letter grades. Grades can also become a ceiling limit for students making them feel that perhaps a B is all they are worth and all they can achieve. While for teachers, assessment in the form of letter grades could be necessary to gauge where students are and what their level of understanding is. However, unfortunately there is a stigma associated with certain letter grades or percentages which can create a discouraging environment for students. I think the idea that letter grades and percentages are a way of keeping track of progress and learning has become lost in the notion of competition and the stigma associated with each letter. I think having a less than favourable l

Exit Slip (Oct 12) - Role Models and Alternatives in Education

After today's class I was really intrigued by Vanessa Vakharia's story. I definitely think she is a role model for students. Although her marketing focuses on girls and learning math in an engaging and "girly" way, her story of failing math and never understanding math in school is a relatable experience that many students can remember enduring at some point in their education, whether its mathematics or any other subject for that matter. By exposing her vulnerability and personal struggles, I feel students could establish more of a connection and feel that as a teacher she understood their struggles. It is also an inspiring example of someone who struggled but was able to rise above those struggles and reach a high achievement in mathematics. Seeing this example can give students hope and provide a role model which they can aspire towards. Overall Vanessa seemed to be a very relatable teacher, one who tried to be at the same level as her students and understand their

Oct 12 - Welcome and Un-Welcome in Science

Science is definitely a field I think students often feel less-than-welcomed into as there is a great deal of jargon used and required to understand the subject. In the past I felt confused and alone when listening to lectures because often times I did not understand all the words our teacher was using. I also felt that there was a feeling of exclusion if students didn't have the same knowledge as some others who may have read science articles or kept up to date with scientific news. I often remembered feeling "not smart" in some of my science classes because I simply did not possess the same amount of knowledge that others had, nor was I aware of current science events that seemed to be important or a big deal to my teachers or classmates. I feel if you did not grow up in a family that keeps up with current events or uses science in their everyday life then some students can feel left out or under-prepared for a science class and therefore "un-welcomed". I do o